'Septimus Heap - Magyk' - chapter 01 - 12

  • Zitat

    Original von Babyjane
    Hm... With the english language i associate the latest english chart songs, many words in softwareprograms or other technical things.....but no magic hats, spells or tiny little fairyfigures. Its not the language that isn't ancient for me but the feeling i have by reading it.

    Ahem, I beg to differ. I don't think it's a difference in the language in itself. Just think of Harry Potter, written in English, and certainly able to create a fantastic world that can evoke passion for the reader.

    If you don't get the same feeling when reading English but do get it when reading this kind of book in German I think it's more because you still get more emotional with books that you read in your mother tongue.

    It took me quite some time before I could read a book in English and got the same emotional response in myself that I would have if I had read the same book in German.

    Oh, and last night I finally started reading Magyk. Got 5 pages done so far. I've been sooooo tired lately.

    Gruss aus Calgary, Canada

    "Well behaved women rarely make history" -- Laura Thatcher Ulrich

  • Okaaay, got 8 chapters read so far. It's flowing nicely but nothing really that would make me go "WOW!". It does feel like a children's book to me.

    Much more so than Harry Potter. Yup, I did it: compared the book with HP, something I usually hate to see done. But here the comparison came right away without being able to avoid it. And so far it's not exciting me as much as HP does.

    And I do agree with the comment that the characters still feel somewhat flat at this point and not well developed. Marcia seems to be the exception to that, not a very "nice" character but at least she shows some individuality.

    Gruss aus Calgary, Canada

    "Well behaved women rarely make history" -- Laura Thatcher Ulrich