'Septimus Heap - Magyk' - chapter 13 - 24

  • Madame Marcia actually excercises an unforgivable spell, the Imperio curse.


    Marcia pointed her finger at the Hunter and muttered, "Dive!"
    For a splitt second the Huner felt odd, as though he was about to do something very stupid--which he was. For some reason he could not understand, he raised his arms elegantly above his head and carefully pointed his hands toward the water. The he slowly bent his knees and dived neatly out of the bullet boat, performing a skillfull somersault before he landed perfectly in the freezing cold water

    I think I dont like this. Maybe I'm too much Harry Potter spoiled, but what Marcia does is abuse of power. I will carefully observe her wizarding now ;-)

  • As I'm not a fantasy expert can someone please update me on these two figures:

    a necromancer: is an undead person and as opposite to a ghost has a body?

    a boggart: this boggart seems to have something of a beaver or otter, the "Harry Potter" is something completely different.

  • HARRY POTTER - that´s the book everything in "Magyk" reminds me off. Silas is like Arthur Weasley, Jenna´s birthday present is named Petroc Trelawney like Sibyl Trelawney in HP and there are so many other things reminding of HP - and I really do like HP more than this one.
    But actually I like "Magyk" more than in the beginning.

    I really do like the location of Aunt Zelda´s home and I love the Bertduckcat :-] I´m a bit sad that Boy 412 is such a sad boy without a loving family but I hope that he feels okay with the Heaps...
    The book is more exciting now but it´s a real childbook but that´s not a problem to me, I like reading childbooks from time to time. It´s very easy to read, the sentences are very short but the language is very pictorial and I really do like the book now. The pictures, every chapter is starting with, are beautiful!

    A "necromancer" is to me a dead person with a body like in the "Thriller-Videoclip" :-)

  • I really do love the idea of Message Rats, it´s great

    The moment, when Boy 412 was asked to do magic was very exciting and made my skin full of goosepimples :-) there he´s starting to feel a bit better and I hope that this will go on

  • I'm in Chapter 15 now and i can agree with this statement.


    But actually I like "Magyk" more than in the beginning.

    Ähm... i don't want to blame you, but a necromancer is a man who invoke ghosts. The things you describe are zombies......

    I didn't reach the point with the boggart allready, but i think its something what lives in the swamps, because the word boggy is used to describe swamps or marshes or even bogs. :grin

    (Thank heavens for so many Fantasy-Roleplay-PC-Games, which are not available in german language. :lache)

    Oh and i learned a new word: goosepimples....very nice... :anbet

  • You´re totally right BJ, my migraine did more in my head than normal - today´s the first day where I normally can think and look, a great feeling :grin

    And without revealing too much - the boggart really lives in the Marshes :grin I think I must take the Xbox out off the storeroom and play some games, BJ mentioned before

  • Zitat

    Original von bibihexe76

    The moment, when Boy 412 was asked to do magic was very exciting and made my skin full of goosepimples :-) there he´s starting to feel a bit better and I hope that this will go on

    I hope that he will also be able to do magic without having the ring with him. Boy 412 has himself the feeling that he was cheating. I also hope he doesn't try to run away or do something stupid.

  • Zitat

    Original von Babyjane
    Ähm... i don't want to blame you, but a necromancer is a man who invoke ghosts. The things you describe are zombies......

    I'm a bit confused :gruebel Wasn't DomDaniel dead when he fell from the roof? Or was he reduced to something weak and tiny and shapeless as YouKnowWho was? (sorry for the many HP referrences ;-)

  • I think, he wasn't dead. He fell into the abyss and came back to the earth on forbidden paths. So i understand it....but i wait for more explanations about the things, which happened years ago.

    Perhaps he invoked hisself? I don't know. Or he find a way to walk between the life and dead? We will see....

  • The more I read of the book the better I like it. Meanwhile I´ve gotten more familiar with the persons. I´m especially fond of Boy 412, but it seems, that I´m not alone with that liking. Also Alther is quite funny, as he starts to tease DomDaniel.

    What do you think, who is Septimus? Boy 412 or the Apprentice of DomDaniel ? In the moment I tend to Boy 412.

  • Zitat

    Original von buttercup
    The more I read of the book the better I like it. Meanwhile I´ve gotten more familiar with the persons. I´m especially fond of Boy 412, but it seems, that I´m not alone with that liking. Also Alther is quite funny, as he starts to tease DomDaniel.

    What do you think, who is Septimus? Boy 412 or the Apprentice of DomDaniel ? In the moment I tend to Boy 412.

    I don´t reveal it, I don´t reveal it :grin

  • I have read `till Chapter 15 now and must admit, I`m beginning to have my sweethearts, too ;-)

    I enjoyed Marcias "bad" spell very much...and the amusing consequences for the hunter, but Alther is my favorite character so far :-)


    Original von buttercup
    What do you think, who is Septimus? Boy 412 or the Apprentice of DomDaniel ? In the moment I tend to Boy 412.

    Hm, I haven`t really spend a single thought about it. Gonna let the story surprise me.
    What makes you think, Boy 412 is it, Buttercup?


  • Zitat

    Original von bibihexe76
    HARRY POTTER - that´s the book everything in "Magyk" reminds me off.

    Exactly!!! And the more I read the more I compare and the more disappointed I get with "Magyk". I cannot stop comparing and thinking HP is funnier, faster paced, more original ...

    Before I started reading I thought this would be a good book for my 10 yo daughter to read after me and we'd be able to discuss it. But now I think she will just be as bored as I am right now.

    Gruss aus Calgary, Canada

    "Well behaved women rarely make history" -- Laura Thatcher Ulrich

    Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Beatrix ()

  • Hm... i'm not bored. I love the little rats and I think this Book ist a little bit more ... ähm... political (?) than Harry Potter. Harry is just a Story about a Boy. Magyk is a Story about the machinations of bad politcians.