Gruselfilme sind auch so gar nicht meins. Gruselbücher schon eher, so hin und wieder. Eins habe ich eh noch auf meiner Leseliste für das Jahr, das würde sich ja anbieten. Mal sehen ob als englisches eBook oder doch noch deutsch und gebraucht.
Calcutta, a monstrous city of immense slums, disease and misery, is clasped in the foetid embrace of an ancient cult. At its decaying core is the Goddess Kali: the dark mother of pain, four-armed and eternal, her song the sound of death and destruction. Robert Luczak has been hired by a New York magazine to find a noted Indian poet who has reappeared, under strange circumstances, years after he was thought dead. But nothing is simple in Calcutta, and before long Luczak's routine assignment turns into a nightmare ... it is rumoured that the poet has been brought back to life, in a bloody and grisly ceremony of human sacrifice.
Winner of the World Fantasy Award for best novel, 1986